Facts for coffee enthusiast!!

Coffee Beans Aren’t Beans

Contrary to the name, a coffee bean isn’t actually a bean. Rather, it’s the pit (or seed) that’s found inside the coffee cherry. The bean is removed from the fruit as part of the harvest process. Because of their shape and size, they’re now commonly referred to as a bean but, assuming the conditions are right, you could plant one and it could grow into a whole new coffee plant..

Iced Coffee around the world varies dramatically

While they’re all based on similar flavors and concepts, an iced coffee in Hong Kong or Brazil is drastically different from an iced coffee made in America. Hong Kong mixes coffee, tea, and milk in their concoction to double the caffeine. Brazil gets even fancier by adding tons of chocolate as well as soda to their coffee.

Coffee beans can actually be too fresh.

If your coffee beans are too fresh, your coffee might taste sour. That's why most roasters let their coffee beans sit (or "settle") for a few days before using them.

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What does Jhn Cafe can do to help you?

Escape Room

You can use our online cafe website to serve as your escape room where you can releive stress by chilling with music. This can serve as your escape room to have a productive day iin studying or making progress in your school works, you can use this 60 min timer for only studying. This can help you in prioritizing what needs to be done first and avoid being burnt out because of loaded schoolworks or tasks. Remember no pausing of the time!